
1. Team members know at least some details about one another’s personal lives(Required)
2. Team members apologize to one another routinely(Required)
3. Team members trust one another(Required)
4. Each team member can recite the current goals of the leader(Required)
5. Team members know how their own goals help achieve the leader’s goals(Required)
6. Team members understand how the other team members contribute to the leader’s goals(Required)
7. Team members know the status of each other’s goals and progress(Required)
8. Team members know what other team members need to be successful(Required)
9. Team members collaborate to achieve the leader’s goals(Required)
10. Team members challenge one another about their work(Required)
11. Team members offer assistance when a colleague is struggling to meet their goals(Required)
12. Team members work out differences within the team rather than gossiping to others(Required)
13. Team meetings have agendas and only the right people are invited to accomplish the agenda(Required)
14. Team members come away from meetings with a shared view of decisions and follow-up actions(Required)
15. Issues are resolved without coming up over and over again(Required)

Results. Team members…

15 – 28    Operate in silos and have missed opportunities to collaborate and solve problems together

29 – 38    Have implemented team effectiveness processes. Would benefit from steps to build collaboration and alignment

39 – 45    Accomplished team effectiveness goals. May benefit from systems and processes in place to ensure changes stick

Recommendations. If you scored…

15 – 28 Leader’s Goals. Communicate the leader’s goals 7 times / 7 ways to educate and reinforce understanding among the leadership team

Communicating Goals. Each team member writes down how they recite the leader’s goals to their teams. Compare notes and correct where needed

Productive Meetings. Have agendas and the right people at the outset and alignment near the end on decisions, outstanding questions, and follow-up: who, what, by when

29 – 38 Role Clarity. Team members share how their own teams help meet the leader’s goals. Install processes for the leadership team to continuously align on status and needs

Today’s Operations. Verify that current systems and processes support today’s leadership goals. Update to address business changes facing companies today

Productive Meetings. Have agendas and the right people at the outset and alignment near the end on decisions, outstanding questions, and follow-up: who, what, by when

39 – 45 Leadership Onboarding. Build a strategic onboarding program to bring new leaders into the culture of continuous alignment on status and needs of the leadership team

Performance Metrics. Identify, agree on, and monitor together key metrics for the leadership, which include behaviors needed to be cohesive and high-performing

Monitor Behaviors and Changes. Develop a routine to observe and align on how you are leading together – behaviors, meetings, achieving goals, changes sticking, etc.